sql - Case statement with aggregate and like clause - MSSQL 2012 -

i'm struggling case statement in mssql 2012. i've looked around other answers, although i've got help, none seem fix problem.

case firstname     when len(ltrim(rtrim(firstname))) > 11 'blah'     else 'blahblah' end test 

i getting syntax error, on '>' character.


case firstname     when ltrim(rtrim(firstname)) '% %' 'blah'     else 'blahblah' end test 

but thought there may have been sensitivity on keyword, changed '>', same thing.

probably dumb question, i've been banging head couple of hours , insight appreciated.

try version:

(case when len(ltrim(rtrim(firstname))) > 11 'blah'       else 'blahblah'  end) test 

the case statement has 2 versions. 1 variable used constant expressions:

(case firstname       when 'arnold' . . .       when 'betty' . . .  end) 

the second version (which 1 use) takes conditional each part:

(case when firstname = 'arnold' . . . 


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