java - Interfaces, annotations inheritance -

this question has answer here:

i've java question interfaces, annotations , 'inheritance' (let me use word if we're talking interfaces).

here's example, question:

public interface {     @somekindofannotation(..)    boolean modifyelement(string id) }  public class b implements a{      @override     public boolean modifyelement(string id){          //implementation      } } 

can method modifyelement(string id) (in class b) inherit annotation @somekindofannotation? if yes how can access annotation value?

import java.lang.annotation.retention; import java.lang.annotation.retentionpolicy;


public @interface somekindofannotation{

public string typeofsecurityneeded(); 


public interface {

@somekindofannotation(typeofsecurityneeded = "low") public void f3() ; 


public class b implements {

@override public void f3() {     // todo auto-generated method stub } 


import java.lang.reflect.method;

public class testprogram {

public static void main(string[] args) {      try {          obj = new b();         class c = obj.getclass();         method m = c.getmethod("f3");          if(m.isannotationpresent(somekindofannotation.class))         {             somekindofannotation x = m.getannotation(somekindofannotation.class);             system.out.println("level of  security " +x.typeofsecurityneeded() );         }         else         {             system.out.println("no security ");         }      } catch (securityexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } catch (nosuchmethodexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } } 


o/p -------->>>>>>>>>

no security

now add annotation in class b

public class b implements {

@override @somekindofannotation(typeofsecurityneeded = "low") public void f3() {     // todo auto-generated method stub  } 


o/p ---->>>>>

level of security low


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