My Java Tortoise and Hare Applet will not run -
i trying create/simulate tortoise vs. hare race. random number generator used make competitors move....the possible moves being :a distance of 3 squares right, 1 square right, 6 squares left, 9 squares right, 1 square right, 12 squares left, 2 squares left, fall asleep. course plotted 50 squares of positions each player having own respective lanes , starting @ position 1. problems applet compiles, not run when try open html file in browser. on right track? how run....and when runs, properly?
import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class project2 extends applet { image tortoise, hare; int tortx = 250, harex = 250; final int torty = 100, harey = 300, width = 15, height = 50; int turn; string turnnum; int move; string tmove, hmove; public void init() { tortoise = getimage( getdocumentbase(), "images/tortoise.gif" ); hare = getimage( getdocumentbase(), "images/hare.gif" ); move = 0; turn = 0; } public void control() { while (( tortx < 985 ) || ( harex < 985 )) { move = (int)(10 * math.random()); switch (move) { case 1: case 2: tortx += (3 * width); harex += (9 * width); tmove = "fast plod"; hmove = "big hop"; break; case 3: case 4: case 5: tortx += (3 * width); harex += width; tmove = "fast plod"; hmove = "small hop"; break; case 6: tortx += width; if (harex == 250) {} // agit nihil else if (harex <= (250 + (11 * width))) harex = 250; else harex -= (12 * width); tmove = "slow plod"; hmove = "big slip"; break; case 7: case 8: tortx += (1 * width); if (harex == 250) {} // agit nihil else if (harex <= (250 + (width))) harex = 250; else harex -= (2 * width); tmove = "slow plod"; hmove = "small slip"; break; case 9: case 10: if (tortx == 250) {} // agit nihil else if (tortx <= (250 + (5 * width))) tortx = 250; else tortx -= (6 * width); tmove = "slip"; hmove = "fall asleep."; break; // cuniculus dormit, agit nihil . } turn++; turnnum = (turn + ""); repaint(); (int = 1; <= 10; i++) { delay(); } } tortx = 985; harex = 985; repaint(); } public void paint( graphics screen ) { drawrace(screen); if (tortx >= 985) { screen.setfont(new font("times new roman", font.italic, 48)); screen.drawstring("tortoise wins", 650, 240); clearcurrent(screen); fillnext(screen); } else if (harex >= 985) { screen.setfont(new font("times new roman", font.italic, 48)); screen.drawstring("tortoise wins", 650, 240); clearcurrent(screen); fillnext(screen); } else { screen.drawstring(("turn " + turnnum), 621, 55); screen.setfont(new font("times new roman", font.italic, 12)); screen.drawstring(tmove, 59, 65); screen.drawstring(hmove, 66, 255); clearcurrent(screen); fillnext(screen); } stop(); } public void clearcurrent( graphics s ) { s.clearrect(tortx+1, torty+1, width-1, height-1); s.clearrect(harex+1, harey+1, width-1, height-1); } public void fillnext( graphics s ) { s.fillrect(tortx+1, torty+1, width-1, height-1); s.fillrect(harex+1, harey+1, width-1, height-1); } public void drawrace( graphics s ) { // initium s.drawrect(250, 100, 750, 50); s.drawrect(250, 300, 750, 50); int linex = 265, lineyi = 100, lineyf = 150; (int = 1; <= 98; i++) { if (linex == 1000) { linex = 265; lineyi = 300; lineyf = 350; } s.drawline(linex, lineyi, linex, lineyf); linex += 15; } s.fillrect(tortx+1, torty+1, width-1, height-1); s.fillrect(harex+1, harey+1, width-1, height-1); s.drawimage(tortoise, 59, 80, this); s.drawimage(hare, 66, 271, this); s.setfont(new font("times new roman", font.bold, 24)); s.drawstring("race", 250, 55); } public void delay() { (int = 0; < 90000000; i++) { } } public void stop() { }
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