hook - MobileSubstrate game hacking on iphone -

i practicing mobilesubstrate hacking on game kingdom age (v2.0) ipad.

i want make ton of in-game money, getting nowhere. player defined in class, ccplayer , server checked.

so trying heart of data, inside ccgameinformation class. function -(id)activeplayer callet lot (like 30 times sec) thought nice place start.

ccplayer defined (in include files) as

@interface ccplayer : fzplayer <nscoding> { nsstring *townname; nsstring *rawlastupdateenergytime; nsstring *rawlastupdatestaminatime; nsstring *rawexpansiontimestarted; nsstring *rawbankupgradetimestarted; ... int gold; int level; int attack; ... @end 

i declared in tweaks.xm as:

@interface ccplayer:nsobject { nsstring *townname; nsstring *rawlastupdateenergytime; nsstring *rawlastupdatestaminatime; nsstring *rawexpansiontimestarted; nsstring *rawbankupgradetimestarted; ... int gold; int level; int attack; ... @end 

i included whole thing, changed base class.

ccgameinformation defined as:

@interface ccgameinformation : _acfacebookappidkey { ccplayer *user_; cclevel *userlevel_; .... } 

i defined in tweaks.xm as

@interface ccgameinformation : nsobject { ccplayer *user_; } @end 

and hook looks like:

%hook ccgameinformation - (id)activeplayer  {     ccplayer* player = (ccplayer*)%orig;     mshookivar<int>(player, "energy") = 10;     nslog(@"energy:%d\n",mshookivar<int>(player, "energy"));     return player; } 

but not work @ all. print out "energy:10" expected, in-game energy not change.

am using hooking process , decelerations correctly, or game more protected expect?


the game may in fact store of user data on server. more prominent in games feature in-app purchases. unfortunately there little can done in case. if you'd test further consider method, example:

%hook ccplayer  -(int)gold {     return 1000;     //amount of gold. } %end 


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