php - [SOVLED]PDO/MySQL Prepared Statement Injection Semi Colon -

i wondering why in prepared statement characters formular user input aren't escaped expect be. here code @ particular part:

if( isset( $_post['key'] ) && strlen($_post['key']) <= 15) {     $sql = "select titel, date, content news content :content or titel :title";     if( $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql) ) {         $temp = "%".$_post['key']."%"; // not manually escaped here         $stmt->bindparam(':content', $temp); // should escape!?         $stmt->bindparam(':title', $temp); // should escape!?         $stmt->execute();         $stmt->bindcolumn("titel", $title, pdo::param_str);         $stmt->bindcolumn("datum", $date, pdo::param_str);         $stmt->bindcolumn("inhalt", $content, pdo::param_str);          while( $stmt->fetch() ) {             echo "<span class='head'>".$title." :: ".$date."</span><br />".shorten($content)."...<br /><hr>"; // function shorten shortens content preview reasons         }          // ends statement         $stmt = null;          // ends connection         $pdo = null;     }     else {         $err .= "statement wasn't prepare()'ed!";     } } else {     $err .= "no or false input!"; } 

so works alright, when enter ';' example throws out every result. im' not sure if escapes input properly. missing sth or there not characters escaped? if they? rather escape them manually.

i wondering why in prepared statement characters formular user input aren't escaped expect be.

because expectations wrong.
prepared statement not involve escaping @ all
if - honest semicolon character totally harmless, , require no escaping @ all.

pdo/mysql prepared statement injection

there no possible injection in code, safe.

when enter ';' example throws out every result.

that's question, irrelevant injections , escaping. double-check data , other premises.

by way, shorten code bit

$sql  = "select titel, date, content news content ? or titel ?"; $temp = "%".$_post['key']."%"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(array($temp,$temp)); while( $row = $stmt->fetch() ) {     extract($row);     echo "<span class='head'>$titel :: $date</span><br />".shorten($content)."...<br /><hr>";  } 


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