Best way to prepare hierarchical data for easy querying in MongoDB? -
i'm starting use mongodb new project , wanted insert customer data using scheme:
{ admin: {mail: "", realname: {first: "", last: ""}, address: {street: "", city: "", state: ""}, payment: {type: "", blz: "", account: ""}}, users: [ {mail: "", password: "", realname: {first: "", last: ""}}, ... ], categories: [ {name: "", assignedusers: [{id: "", readonly: true}, ...], entries: [ {name: "", tags: "", site: "", user: "", pass: "", notes: ""} ], ... ] }
however, i've found out isn't possible to, example, 1 of users in "users" array it's mail address or categories 1 user assigned id.
so seems i'd have split hierarchical data multiple collections, i'm not sure best way is. how recommend me split data?
you locking projection , this. optional operator specifies fields return using projection operators , it's boolean 1 - show & 0 - hide
db.customers.findone({"users.mail": ""}, {users: 1})
that's not secure use
findone({"users.mail": "mail"})
authentication, there special node.js module passportjs.
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