windows - Ping remote computer from another remote computer and get result back -

i'm trying batch script work whereby computer on script running computer b ping computer c , errorlevel can output. @ moment i'm trying using psexec access command line on computer b , getting ping c. issue of course errorlevel comes "0" since command executing on b. result c need.

set /p altterm=please specify terminal test [0**]? echo. echo running internal ping test terminal %altterm%... psexec \\%hostname%-%altterm% ping %hostname%-%terminal% if errorlevel 0 set internalping=pass  if errorlevel 1 set internalping=fail echo. echo internal ping test %internalping% 

the details hostname , terminal set earlier in script. it's important script not display workings show echo lines , result. have used

/f >nul 2>&1

elsewhere in script suppress output

according windows pro (referred in microsoft technet):

psexec displays process's exit code , returns exit code own exit code.

so, batch should work.

put echo errorlevel=%errorlevel% after psexec ... sure.

to disable outputing, append >nul 2>nul or >nul 2>&1 psexec ... command-line. without /f used (where did it???)


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