indexing - Which way to save into an other index on elasticsearh the result of some operation make during indexation -

i need save data result of operation make during indexation operation (analyzer or other way) other elasticsearch index. example, i've got :

  • doc 1.1; time 2s
  • doc 1.2; time 5s
  • doc 2.1; time 3s
  • doc 2.2; time 7s

i need save result of 1.1 - 1.2 example (here result 2 - 5 => 3), in other index (for performance). of course simplification, there other field. best manner this.

i think you'll have wrap indexation in own code. index docs, , then, if successfull, compute others doc them or index response , index them in second index.

i not sure undestood question, if it, i'm pretty sure (though wrong) es cannot seconds indexations itself, no matter how magical is.

good luck.


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