javascript - AngularUI Modal dialog not working -

i'm trying include angularui modular dialog in app

in controller.js

define([ 'app' ], function(app) {   app.controller('teacherclasses',   [ '$scope', '$http', '$dialog','$location', 'anotherservice',   function($scope, $http, $location, $dialog, anotherservice) { $scope.opts = {         backdrop: true,         keyboard: true,         backdropclick: true,         template:  '/pathto/partial.html'     };      $scope.opendialog = function(studentgroup){         $scope.newclass = angular.copy(studentgroup);         var modal = $dialog.dialog($scope.opts);;     }     }]);  return app; }); 

i've added ui.bootstrap.dialog angular module in app.js

var mymodule = angular.module('myapp',  [ 'ngresource', 'ui', 'infinite-scroll', 'ngdragdrop', 'blueimp.fileupload','ui.bootstrap.dialog', 'ui.bootstrap.modal',   'ui.bootstrap.dropdowntoggle', 'loadingindicator', 'http-auth-interceptor']); 

now, keep hitting typeerror: object # has no method 'dialog' @ object.$scope.opendialog error.

what doing wrong?

the order in list dependencies order passed controller function. since $dialog third entry in dependencies array, should third argument in function.


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