c# - Any difference is there Invoke Method (Delegate) and direct call? -

this question has answer here:

may question asked earlier ,i did googling didnt answer.

delegate prototype

delegate void method1(string str); 

adding callback methods

method1 objdel2;            objdel2 = new method1(testmethod1);             objdel2("test"); objdel2.invoke("invoke"); 

in above coding objdel2("test"); , objdel2.invoke("invoke"); doing same task.which 1 or both same .

they 100% identical - pure compiler sugar (see below). preferred: neither / both.

static class program {      static void main()     {         method1 objdel2;         objdel2 = new method1(testmethod1);         objdel2("test");         objdel2.invoke("invoke");     }     delegate void method1(string val);     static void testmethod1(string val) {         system.console.writeline(val);     } } 

has il

.method private hidebysig static void main() cil managed {     .entrypoint     .maxstack 2     .locals init (         [0] class program/method1 'method')     l_0000: ldnull      l_0001: ldftn void program::testmethod1(string)     l_0007: newobj instance void program/method1::.ctor(object, native int)     l_000c: stloc.0      l_000d: ldloc.0      l_000e: ldstr "test"     l_0013: callvirt instance void program/method1::invoke(string) ***here***     l_0018: ldloc.0      l_0019: ldstr "invoke"     l_001e: callvirt instance void program/method1::invoke(string) ***here***     l_0023: ret  } 

note both same thing (see 2 locations marked me ***here***)


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