javascript - AngularJS directive will only work until ng-include changes -
i have angularjs directives work once. when view changes , return no longer work, there no page refresh involved, use simple view loading system using ng-include page changes (sub pages not main routes).
i have markup this.
<div class="row" ng-controller="mainctrl"> <ul class="sidebar span3" sub-nav> <li><a ng-click="changepage('users')">users</a></li> <li><a ng-click="changepage('posts')">posts</a></li> </ul> <div class="span9" view-partial ng-include="route[active]"></div> </div>
the "sub-nav" directive has method update "active" scope variable. have directive listens changes "active" variable , emits "pagechange" event if value different. (they separate controller applied more one). there 1 controller running code @ time , seems work perfectly.
inside ng-include using ng-repeat loop on data, in table loop produces have delete button directive applied one
angular.module("mymodule") .directive("deletebtn", function(delconf) { require: "?ngmodel", link: function(scope, elm, attr, ngmodel) { elm.bind("click", function(e) { // here open modal window , pass data // delete confirmation logic tucked // away in delconf } } }) .directive("deleteconfbtn", function(delconf) { require: "?ngmodel", link: function(scope, elm, attr, ngmodel) { elm.bind("click", function(e) { // here make api request delete item , remove // scope } } });
the first directive applied delete button in table (this 1 work, when view changes). second directive applied button on bootstrap modal window.
the second directive work after page refresh. think scope can't figure out why 1 works , other fails.
any appreciated.
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