Extracting HTML Link from Javascript Associative Array to apply to D3 Generated Table -

problem: html link i'm extracting associative array not applied link but, rather, string, html link not traversable browser.

full visual example , code: located at: http://bl.ocks.org/guerino1/6366020

data: have javascript array of associative arrays.

  var densityset = [     { name: "<a href=\"http:if4it.com\">if4it</a>", total: 1000 },     { name: "node2", total: 1500 },     .     .     .     { name: "node3", total: 700 },     { name: "node27", total: 1500 }   ]; 

you'll notice first element of first associative array has data element html link. want extract link , apply cell of html table i'm generating using d3.

symptom: when table renders, full html path rendered string , not traversable html link.

the code extracts link data , applies cell follows...

     var densitybodydatarecords = d3.selectall("#density_body_record").selectall("tr.td")       .data(function(d) { return densitykeys.map(function(k) { return d[k]; }); })       .enter()         .append("td")           .attr("id", "density_body_data")           //.text(function(d) { return d; })           .text(function(d, i) {             if(i < 2) { return d; } <------------------text applied here           })           .style("font-size", "10pt")           .append("svg")             .attr("width", function(d, i) {               if(i == 0) { return 200; }               else if(i == 1) { return 100; }               else { return 500; }             })             //.attr("height", 15)             .attr("height", function(d, i) {               if(i < 2) { return 0; }               else { return 15; }             })             .append("rect")               .attr("height", 15)               .style("fill", "blue")               .attr("width", function(d, i) {                 if(i == 2) { return (d/maxrelationshipvalue)*100*5; }         else { return 0; }               }); 

any ideas on how fix appreciated.


if want content parsed html, have call .html(), not .text().


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