android - Refresh listview onpost execute asynctask -

i know question has been posted multiple times , browsed of them there not result, performing deleting item mysql database not refreshing, here code of onclicklistener , button:

onclick listener:

 holder.void_button.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener(){      public void onclick(view v) {     adapter = new customlistviewvoidadapter(context,r.layout.mytemp, items);     item_selected= items.get(position);         new deleteorder().execute();                }});             vi.settag(holder);         } 

onpostexecute asynctask:

 protected void onpostexecute(string unused){             adapter.remove(item_selected);             adapter.notifydatasetchanged();         } 

the adapter instatiated globally, can please check problem might be? not returning error, deleting item , not refreshing.



throwing out there, but, have tried adapter.notifydatasetinvalidated();? forces update.

also, put code in asynctask!

like such:

protected void onpostexecute() {     adapter.notifydatasetchanged();    adapter.notifydatasetinvalidated();   } 


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