php - Get Latest Topic for each category in Forum Home Page in CodeIgniter -

i creating simple forum using codeigniter.

i want latest topic each category in forum home page. want so- forum index

it's ok category page latest topic, can't home page

my controller home page category list -

class category extends ci_controller {      public function index()     {         $this->load->model('category_model');          $data['categories'] = $this->category_model->get_all_categories();          $this->load->view('forums/index', $data);     } } 

my model -

class category_model extends ci_model {     function get_all_categories()     {         $get_categories = $this->db->get('categories');         return $get_categories->result_array();     }  } 

db structure-


  • topic_id
  • topic_title
  • topic_content
  • topic_cat_id


  • cat_id
  • cat_name
  • cat_description

you can try this, hope helps:

function get_all_categories() {     $data           = array();     $get_categories = $this->db->get('categories');     $cat            = $get_categories->result_array();     foreach( $cat $key=>$each ){         $rs = $this->db->where('topic_cat_id', $each['cat_id'])->oreder_by('topic_id', 'desc')->get('topics', 1)->row_array();         $data[$key]['cat']  = $each;         $data[$key]['top']  = $rs;     }     echo "<pre>";print_r( $data );     return $data; } 


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