vb.net - Splash screen Error "Application is not a member of My" -
i getting error when try run application "application not member of my", added splash screen, error coming code below. have tried running devenv.exe/resetsetting command prompt enable application framework , not work. simpler method of resolving appreciated
imports system.windows.forms public notinheritable class splashscreen1 'todo: form can set splash screen ' application going "application" tab ' of project designer ("properties" under "project" menu). private sub splashscreen1_load(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles me.load 'set dialog text @ runtime according 'the application's assembly information. 'todo: customize application's assembly information ' in "application" pane of project ' properties dialog (under "project" menu). 'application title if true if not string.isnullorempty(my.application.info.title) applicationtitle.text = my.application.info.title else 'if application title missing, 'use application name without extension applicationtitle.text = _ system.io.path.getfilenamewithoutextension(my.application.info.assemblyname) end if 'format version information using 'text set version control @ design time 'formatting string. allows effective localization if desired. 'build , revision information included 'using following code , changing version control's designtime 'text "version {0}.{1:00}.{2}.{3}" or similar. 'see string.format() in more information. ' 'version.text = system.string.format(version.text, _ ' my.application.info.version.major, _ ' my.application.info.version.minor, _ ' my.application.info.version.build, _ ' my.application.info.version.revision) version.text = system.[string].format(version.text, _ my.application.info.version.major, _ my.application.info.version.minor) 'copyright info copyright.text = my.application.info.copyright end if end sub end class
in project properties try set startup form main form , click enable application framework. should able set splashscreen splash screen. confirm have code follows:
private sub splashscreen1_load(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles me.load 'set dialog text @ runtime according application's assembly information. 'todo: customize application's assembly information in "application" pane of project ' properties dialog (under "project" menu). 'application title if my.application.info.title <> "" applicationtitle.text = my.application.info.title else 'if application title missing, use application name, without extension applicationtitle.text = system.io.path.getfilenamewithoutextension(my.application.info.assemblyname) end if version.text = system.string.format(version.text, my.application.info.version.major, my.application.info.version.minor) 'copyright info copyright.text = my.application.info.copyright end sub
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