java - Spring Data Neo4j not populating RelationshipEntity -

i creating enties , relationshipentitys point between them. place relationshipentitys within entity , save entity. saves relationshipentity automatically.

i know relationship has saved can retrieve both entities , relationshipentitys individually. when retrieve start or end entity relationship set empty.

i have tried forcing eager fetching no joy.
can see doing wrong here?

my entity...

@nodeentity public class thing {  public thing() {     super(); }  @graphid private long nodeid;  private long uuid; // unique across domains  @fetch @relatedtovia(type="some default type", direction = direction.both) set<thingrelationship> relationships = new hashset<thingrelationship>();  @fetch private set<property<?>> properties;  public thingrelationship relatedto(thing thing, string relationshiptype){     thingrelationship thingrelationship = new thingrelationship(this, thing, relationshiptype);     relationships.add(thingrelationship);     return thingrelationship; }  public set<thingrelationship> getrelationships() {     return relationships; }  ... } 

my relationshipentity...

@relationshipentity public class thingrelationship {  public thingrelationship() {     super(); }  //incremental neo4j set id @graphid long nodeid;  //start , end nodes @startnode thing startthing; @endnode thing endthing;  //relationship type string relationship;  public thingrelationship(thing startthing, thing endthing, string relationship) {     super();     this.startthing = startthing;     this.endthing = endthing;     this.relationship = relationship; } 

and test.... (fails on final assert)

    @test  @rollback(false) public void testaddrelationship(){       thing thinga = new thing();;     thing retrievedthinga = template.findone(thinga.getnodeid(), thing.class);  //returns thing ok     assertnotnull(retrievedthinga);      thing thingb = new thing();;     thing retrievedthingb = template.findone(thingb.getnodeid(), thing.class);  //returns thing ok     assertnotnull(retrievedthingb);      //relationship     thingrelationship thingrelationship = thingb.relatedto(thinga, "really_really_likes");;      thingrelationship thingrelationshipretrieved = template.findone(thingrelationship.getnodeid(), thingrelationship.class);     assertequals(thingb.getnodeid(), thingrelationshipretrieved.getstartthing().getnodeid());     assertequals(thinga.getnodeid(), thingrelationshipretrieved.getendthing().getnodeid());      thing retrievedthingfinal = template.findone(thingb.getnodeid(), thing.class);     template.fetch(retrievedthingfinal.relationships);     assertequals(1, retrievedthingfinal.getrelationships().size());  //fails here  } 

the final assert fails "expected 1 found 0" :( should returned entity not have relationsipentity present since eagerly fetching?

the issue below line

@relatedtovia(type="some default type", direction = direction.both) set<thingrelationship> relationships = new hashset<thingrelationship>(); 

changing below works.

@relatedtovia(type="really_really_likes", direction = direction.both) set<thingrelationship> relationships = new hashset<thingrelationship>(); 

not sure why doesn't work if using dynamic relationships.


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