Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress on Windows Server 2008 R2 -

i'm trying start wordpress remotely on windows server 2008 r2 has installed apache web server 2.4 (i worked on wamp) , port number not 80 8888 (i heard wordpress doesn't run on port 8888 maybe i'm wrong).when start throgh browser message "your php installation appears missing mysql extension required wordpress.".wamp has mysql buid in apache web server 2.4 doesn't, checked php_mysql.dll on php.ini , uncommented, queried mysql on command prompt , fine.any suggestions how fix problem?

i had issue on windows install , down this.

if don't have extension_dir uncommented on php.ini, wont default 'ext' directory (which extension dlls on windows).

therefore, uncommented extensions ignored (and wont see them on phpinfo())


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