php - Paypal Direct pay not working -

i have api paypal dodirect method on nvp [direct credit card payment], , i'm using php base language.

i'm getting success transaction or response says so. not updating in sandbox account.

    include_once(drupal_get_path('module','payment_details').'/paypal_do_direct.php');     $paypaldodirect = new paypaldodirect();     $paypaldodirect->setapiusername('');     $paypaldodirect->setapipassword('1377690526');     $paypaldodirect->setapisignature('afm3wtxoe0l1wd2urjztljzhc-wnawhtswj-b7-rw3qpclgamslinqp8');     $paypaldodirect->setcreditcardtype($cardtype);     $paypaldodirect->setenvironment('sandbox');      $paypaldodirect->setamount($amount);     $paypaldodirect->setcardexpmonth($expirationdate);     $paypaldodirect->setcardexpyear($expirationyear);     $paypaldodirect->setcardverificationvalue($cvv);     $paypaldodirect->setfirstname($firstname);     $paypaldodirect->setlastname($lastname);     $paypaldodirect->setpayeremail($email);     $paypaldodirect->setcreditcardnumber($creditcardnumber);     $response= $paypaldodirect->makepayment(); 

i shared sandbox bussiness-pro account details below:

username: password: 1377690526 signature: afm3wtxoe0l1wd2urjztljzhc-wnawhtswj-b7-rw3qpclgamslinqp8 

and did transaction using personal account.

credit card number: 4351521550740304 credit card type: visa expiration date: 7/2018 

my expectation is, should deduct amount personal account , credit merchant (business-pro) account.

any highly appreciated. thanks

edited i'm using same code mentioned in below url, payment api using class

i found question, same question of mine.

the dodirectpayment call charges credit cards directly; not deduct paypal account - if card attached existing paypal account. therefore doesn't show transaction in 'buyer' paypal account.


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