- Using custom virtual paths -

i'm making test solution 2 or 3 pages organized in folders this:

enter image description here

and when run app url this:

enter image description here

there way maintain physical path having different virtual path


without odd word "views"?

take @ url rewrite module iis. alternative, can create custom http module rewrite virtual path appropriately:

public class myrewritehttpmodule : ihttpmodule {   // ...    public void init(httpapplication app)   {     app.authenticaterequest += application_authenticaterequest;   }    private void application_authenticaterequest(object sender, eventargs e)   {     var app = sender httpapplication;     var path = app.request.url.pathandquery;      if (!path.startswith("/views/", stringcomparison.ordinalignorecase))       app.context.rewritepath("/views/" + path);   } } 


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