bind - (fscanf(file, "%lf", &num) > 0) and segmentation fault in C -
i'm modifying piece of source code of bind, random order section of rdataset.c file, below:
for (i = 0; < count; i++) { dns_rdata_t rdata; isc_uint32_t val; isc_random_get(&val); choice = + (val % (count - i)); rdata = shuffled[i]; shuffled[i] = shuffled[choice]; shuffled[choice] = rdata; if (order != null) sorted[i].key = (*order)(&shuffled[i], order_arg); else sorted[i].key = 0; /* unused */ sorted[i].rdata = &shuffled[i]; }
i change line choice , let variable taken function
and code of function
unsigned int weightcal() { file *file = fopen("weight.txt", "r"); double integers[10],prob[10]; unsigned int i=0,j=0,k=0; double sum=0,subsum=0,num; unsigned int result=0; while(fscanf(file, "%lf", &num) > 0) { integers[i] =num; sum+=num; i++; } rewind(file); while(fscanf(file, "%lf", &num) > 0){ subsum=subsum+num; prob[j]= subsum / sum; j++; } srand(time(null)); double r = rand() / (double)rand_max; for(k=0;k<sizeof(prob)/sizeof(double);k++) { if (r < prob[k]) { result=k; break; } } fclose(file); return result; }
then recompile bind. compilation works when use command :
dig @
it returns error "segmentation fault (core dumped)." tried debug , debugger told me error in line
while(fscanf(file, "%lf", &num) > 0)
how can fix error?
check return value of line:
file *file = fopen("weight.txt", "r");
i'd with:
file *file = fopen("weight.txt", "r"); if (file == null) { printf("unable open file weight.txt! theres problem\n"); }
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