ruby on rails - How to turn off Rspec's verbose logging? -

when running our rspec suite of tests

bundle exec rspec spec/ 

the logs cluttered far many log statements. in particular, controller specs show things multiple times:

{"controller"=>"mycontroller", "action"=>"create"} 

i rid of these can't find source. there no puts statements match nor there rails.logger calls. i'm assuming log level issue wrong. setting config.log_level in environment/test.rb has no effect.

the current rspec configuration looks this

rspec.configure |config|   config.include devise::testhelpers, :type => :controller   config.mock_with :rspec     config.before(:suite)     databasecleaner.strategy = :truncation     databasecleaner.orm = "mongoid"   end    config.before(:each)     databasecleaner.clean   end    config.color_enabled = true   config.tty = true   config.formatter =  :documentation # :progress, :html, :textmate end 

any thoughts on how might disable these type of logs?

side note: gemfile using 'rails', '3.2.13' , 'rspec-rails', '2.14.0'

in case comes across same thread later on, found had same problem author described, however, came having heroku rails_12factor gem in gemfile.

another user said gem causing double output them: double console output?

as either commented out or put in :production group, of verbose sql output in console went away.

so thing check if have same problem, author's solution isn't fixes you.


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