java - Swing - JavaFX integration -
i have bit of weird problem. have swing application has windows built javafx (don't ask why did this, had due project delivery time restrictions). app 50% swing , 50% javafx. anyway found when started deploying application customers of javafx jfxpanels using don't display properly
to more precise jfxpanels have in main window, crested application starts, showing fine. other jfxpanels include in other windows popup while using application don't display correctly. jframe opens empty of javafx components. weird thing when enable java console (java-settings -> advanced -> show console) working fine.
the same problem have in operating systems deployed application. 32 , 64 bit. using jre 7u25 in machines.
any clues anybody?
maybe it's related bug 8021381?
i appears fixed in java 7u40-b38 according release notes
so suggest try out java 7u40 access release (download).
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