php - Zend Framework 2 Routes not working -

so have new , fresh installation of zf2, works, except if create new controller... foocontroller.php , go application/foo 404 don't why, have setup routes, in zf1 worked out of box

<?php /**  * zend framework (  *  * @link canonical source repository  * @copyright copyright (c) 2005-2013 zend technologies usa inc. (  * @license new bsd license  */  namespace application\controller;  use zend\mvc\controller\abstractactioncontroller; use zend\view\model\viewmodel;  class foocontroller extends abstractactioncontroller {     public function indexaction()     {         $view = new viewmodel(array(             'foo' => 'the foo controller'         ));         return $view;     } } 

yes need setup @ leaast 1 route. can setup generic route handle controller/action type routing:

/**  * generic route  */ 'generic_route' => array(     'type'    => 'segment',     'options' => array(         'route'    => '[/:controller[/:action[/:id[/:extra]]]][/]',         'constraints' => array(             '__namespace__' => 'application\controller',             'action'        => '[a-za-z][a-za-z0-9_-]*',             'controller'    => '[a-za-z][a-za-z0-9_-]*',             'id'            => '[0-9]+',             'extra'         => '[a-za-z0-9_-]+',         ),         'defaults' => array(             'controller' => 'index',             'action'     => 'index',         ),     ), ), 


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