c# - Lambda Statements in Linq -

is possible following in linq?

list<group> groupscollection = new list<group>(); groups.select( g => {     string id = g.attributes["id"].value;     string title = g.attributes["title"].value;     groupscollection.add( new group(id, title) ); } ); 

this example. know foreach loop sufficient querying whether possible or not.

i tried it, , it's saying:

cannot convert lambda expression type system.collections.ienumerable<csquery.idomobject> because it's not delegate type 

edit: group custom class. groups collection of csquery dom objects. can think of them collection of html anchor elements. ienumerable.

i think you're looking this:

groupscollection = groups.select(g =>     new group(g.attributes["id"].value,               g.attributes["title"].value)).tolist(); 


select() projects each element of sequence new form. (from msdn)

it's transformation function takes 1 ienumerable , transforms it, in whatever way like, ienumerable, seems want here.


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