php - Twitter - get a specific tweet from returned data? -
i'm getting latest tweets , results come so:
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how can use can cherry pick tweets array, eg. $tweets[2];
i've tried json_decode no luck.
if try store json output in string, fail due unescaped single quotes in it.
for example, have following text in json output:
"text": "\"i fear we'll ourselves involved in endless conflict\" //------^
so, if try assign json string, fail , produce parse error because of single quotes in it. because json contains double-quotes, can't use that, either.
to tell php ignore quotes , interpret string, can use heredoc syntax, so:
$string = <<<json ... json ... json; $json = json_decode($string); echo $json[0]->text."\n"; echo $json[1]->text."\n";
note: if want associative array instead, can pass the second paramter json_decode()
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