entity framework - Scaffolder unable to load EDMX metadata after upgrading to .NET4.5 and EF5 -
so i've upgraded existing mvc4 project .net4.5 , ef5. i've run project , works properly. tried run custom scaffolder, , gave me no love.
please forgive me if simple mistake, our templates written left company. i've done best understand how these work , try , debug it. after afternoon of banging head on desk, i've hit dead end...
the error message receive -
add-projectitemviatemplate : <path to>\codetemplates\scaffolders\sfrepository\repository.cs.t4(0,0) : error : running transformation: system.invalidoperationexception: sequence contains no elements @ system.linq.enumerable.first[tsource](ienumerable`1 source) @ microsoft.visualstudio.texttemplatingf690eb8002d6f86a4e8ae00cfb7daa03c9eb647292d7f28842f3ee3f3550c224e18fb3ec09900009a804cdfd9776a0afb2ae2497de3d77def417124ac7de860b.genera tedtexttransformation.transformtext() @ <path to>\codetemplates\scaffolders\sfrepository\sfrepository.ps1:39 char:1 + add-projectitemviatemplate $outputpath -template repository -model @{ + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + categoryinfo : notspecified: (:) [add-projectitemviatemplate], exception + fullyqualifiederrorid : t4scaffolding.cmdlets.addprojectitemviatemplatecmdlet
so looked @ t4 template itself. process of elimination, have found error happen on line -
var entity = itemcollection.getitems<entitytype>().where(e => e.name == model.entityname).first();
here's full copy of template point -
<#@ template language="c#" hostspecific="true" inherits="dynamictransform" #> <#@ include file="ef.utility.cs.ttinclude"#> <#@ assembly name="system.data.entity" #> <#@ import namespace="system.linq" #> <#@ import namespace="envdte" #> <#@ output extension="cs" #> <#@ import namespace="system.collections" #> <#@ import namespace="system.collections.generic" #> <#@ import namespace="system.linq" #> <#@ import namespace="system.text.regularexpressions" #> <#@ import namespace="envdte" #> <#@ assembly name="system.componentmodel.dataannotations" #> <#@ assembly name="system.core" #> <#@ assembly name="system.data.entity" #> <#@ assembly name="system.data.linq" #> <#@ import namespace="system" #> <#@ import namespace="system.componentmodel.dataannotations" #> <#@ import namespace="system.data.linq.mapping" #> <#@ import namespace="system.data.objects.dataclasses" #> <#@ import namespace="system.reflection" #> using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.data; using system.data.entity; using system.linq; using system.linq.expressions; using system.web; using omu.valueinjecter; <# foreach(var ns in new[] { model.modeltypenamespace, model.dbcontextnamespace }.where(x => !string.isnullorempty(x) && (x != model.repositorynamespace)).distinct()) { #> using <#= ns #>; <# } #> using <#=model.project#>.dataobjects; namespace <#=model.project#>.models { <# var modeltype = (codetype)model.modeltype; var modelname = modeltype.name; var modelnameplural = model.modeltypepluralized; var primarykeyproperty = modeltype.visiblemembers().oftype<codeproperty>().single(x => x.name == model.primarykey); codegenerationtools code = new codegenerationtools(this); metadataloader loader = new metadataloader(this); coderegion region = new coderegion(this, 1); metadatatools ef = new metadatatools(this); // create our item collection specified edmx edmitemcollection itemcollection = loader.createedmitemcollection(model.inputfilename); // find our entity pool var entity = itemcollection.getitems<entitytype>().where(e => e.name == model.entityname).first();
i tried taking out, , pulling first item. there still no items in collection.
best can tell, metadataloader in ef.utility.cs.ttinclude isn't able read ef5 edmx reason.
i noticed local copy of ef.utility.cs.ttinclude wasn't recent 1 under "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 11.0\common7\ide\extensions\microsoft\entity framework tools\templates\includes" tried copying local project. unfortunately there no change.
i verified model.inputfilename holding correct path edmx file.
so question is... why? there else need update scaffolders ef5 , .net4.5? haven't seen common issues posted elsewhere this...
on day 2 of adventure began converting ef.utility.cs.ttinclude c# console app see if couldn't glean better error message.
i noticed constants @ bottom of file didn't include newer ef5 namespaces.
i compared copy 1 under "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 11.0\common7\ide\extensions\microsoft\entity framework tools\templates\includes" , sure enough, mine out of date.
during debugging, know updated (as mentioned above). either copied wrong folder, or i'm losing mind. either @ point.
either way, solution update local copy of ef.utility.cs.ttinclude 1 under "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 11.0\common7\ide\extensions\microsoft\entity framework tools\templates\includes" , works perfectly.
thanks took time read question!
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