vb.net - Download to root directory -

okay, have been searching ages find no luck.

i using:

me.downloader.downloadfileasync(new uri(fileurl), path.getfilename(fileurl), stopwatch.startnew) 

to download file want save root directory of program in file called launcher.

so example, if program on desktop , open , click start want create launcher folder if it's missing download files , if it's not download files it.

i've been looking everywhere find code allow me , have tried lots of different things.

at moment, justs saves in root directory of program is.


try this:

dim basedir string = appdomain.currentdomain.basedirectory dim launcherdir string = path.combine(basedir, "launcher")  if not directory.exists(launcherdir)    directory.createdirectory(launcherdir) end if  dim targetfile = path.combine(launcherdir, path.getfilename(fileurl))  me.downloader.downloadfileasync(new uri(fileurl), targetfile, stopwatch.startnew) 


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