fpdf - How to call an array outside a class using PHP and Codeigniter? -
hello guys need little here accessing data array outside class i'm confused on how show variable outside class here's code below:
<?php date_default_timezone_set('asia/manila'); require('resources/fpdf/fpdf.php'); class pdf extends fpdf { function header(){ //here place should put array, cant access inside $this->setfont('arial','b',10); $this->cell(180,5,'purchase order',0,0,'c'); $this->ln(); $this->setfont('arial','',9); $this->cell(40,5,'suppliers name:'.$data['spname'].' '); $this->ln(); $this->setfont('arial','',9); $this->ln(20); } } $query = "select * po_order_details order_code = '".$code."'"; $result = $this->db->query($query); foreach($result->result_array() $row){ $data[] = array($row['item_qty'], //this array need $row['spname'], $row['spaddress'], ); } $this->session->set_userdata('session_data',$data); //column titles $pdf = new pdf(); $header = array('qty','item / description' , 'unit price', 'total amount'); // change $pdf->setfillcolor(255,0,0); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->addpage(); $pdf->buildtable($header,$data); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->output(); ?>
that's hope can me
why not change prototype of header method , pass array parameter this.
<?php date_default_timezone_set('asia/manila'); require('resources/fpdf/fpdf.php'); class pdf extends fpdf { function header( &$titles, &$data ){ //here place should put array, cant access inside // use $titles , $data here $this->setfont('arial','b',10); $this->cell(180,5,'purchase order',0,0,'c'); $this->ln(); $this->setfont('arial','',9); $this->cell(40,5,'suppliers name:'.$data['spname'].' '); $this->ln(); $this->setfont('arial','',9); $this->ln(20); } } $query = "select * po_order_details order_code = '".$code."'"; $result = $this->db->query($query); foreach($result->result_array() $row){ $data[] = array($row['item_qty'], //this array need $row['spname'], $row['spaddress'], ); } $this->session->set_userdata('session_data',$data); //column titles $pdf = new pdf(); $header = array('qty','item / description' , 'unit price', 'total amount'); // change $pdf->header( $header, $data ); $pdf->setfillcolor(255,0,0); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->addpage(); $pdf->buildtable($header,$data); $pdf->ln(); $pdf->output(); ?>
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