MongoDB - How to organize collections -
just general question here - i'm doing self paced learning on mongodb , off on right foot i'd opinion on how organize collections sample budget application.
as home budget have 'categories' such home, auto , have subcategories under categories such mortgage , car payments.
each bill have due date, minimum amount due, forecast payment, forecast payment date, actual payment , actual payment date.
each bill due 'someone', example home, mortgage may due bank of america, , bank of america may have contact info (phone, mailing address).
making switch table structure mongo bit confusing, appreciate opinions on how approach this.
the question general. in general :), following principles apply schema design in mongodb:
the layout of collections should guided sound modeling principles. mongodb, can have schema more closely resembles object structure of data, opposed relational "projection" of it.
the layout of collections should guided data access patterns (which may conflict previous statement). design schemas can info need in few queries possible, without loading data don't need application.
you can, , should, "denormalize" achieve above two. it's not bad thing mongodb @ all. downside of denormalizing updates become more expensive , need make sure maintain consistency. downsides outweighed more natural modeling , better read efficiency.
from description above, sounds if have rather "relational" model in mind. try rid of , approach problem fresh mind. think objects, not tables.
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