unit testing - Angular Test tutorials on Jasmine website not working -

i started practice tests on angular-seed app based on jasmine. when using first test example found on pivotal.github.io/jasmine/ fails on app.

test example code:

describe("a suite", function() {   it("contains spec expectation", function() {     expect(true).tobe(true);   }); }); 

but passes on tryjasmine.com

i did test content , views/partials, pass. 1 on jasmine site fails. missing or there config need setup?

karma.conf.js file:

basepath = '../';  files = [   jasmine,   jasmine_adapter,   'app/lib/angular/angular.js',   'app/lib/angular/angular-*.js',   'test/lib/angular/angular-mocks.js',   'app/js/**/*.js',   'test/unit/**/*.js' ];  autowatch = true;  browsers = ['chrome'];  junitreporter = {   outputfile: 'test_out/unit.xml',   suite: 'unit' }; 

karma-e2e.conf.js file:

basepath = '../';  files = [   angular_scenario,   angular_scenario_adapter,   'test/e2e/**/*.js' ];  autowatch = false;  browsers = ['chrome'];  singlerun = true;  proxies = {   '/': 'http://localhost:8000/' };  junitreporter = {   outputfile: 'test_out/e2e.xml',   suite: 'e2e' }; 

according http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/#section-the_runner_and_reporter on runner , reporter section of doc there is:

document.queryselector('.version').innerhtml = jasmineenv.versionstring();

browser console throws error

uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'innerhtml' of null

after looking around found other examples dont have line. used example in tuts+ http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/testing-your-javascript-with-jasmine/

on tutorial there specrunner.html has block of code without document.queryselector('.version').innerhtml = jasmineenv.versionstring();

and works expected.


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