angularjs - isolated scope "=" affects parent scope -

in directive, define scope:{isonetwork:'=network'}, if parent scope has no 'network' property, auto create it? following pic parent scope: enter image description here

here code example(same in jsfiddle:

var app = angular.module('app',[])  app.controller('appctrl', function($scope){    $scope.leavevoicemail = function(number, message, network){        console.log("controller scope: ", $scope);        window.alert("number: " + number + " said: " + message + ", network: " + network);    }; });  app.directive('phone', function(){     return {         restrict:'e',         scope:{             isolatedattributenumber:'@number',             isonetwork:'=network',             makecall:'&'         },         link:function(scope){             scope.networks = ["verizon", "at&t", "sprint"];             scope.isonetwork = scope.networks[1];         }     }; }); 


<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="appctrl">         <phone number="555-1234" network="network" make-call="leavevoicemail(number, message, network)">             <div>                 number:{{isolatedattributenumber}}  network:<select ng-model="isonetwork" ng-options="net net in networks"></select>             </div>             message:<input type="text" ng-model="voicemessage"><br>             <button class="btn" ng-click="makecall({number: isolatedattributenumber, message: voicemessage, network: isonetwork})">call home!</button>         </phone> </div> 

yes. how = bindings in isolate scope work. directive gets own scope, still need way of communicating outside scope (not "parent" scope since directive's scope isolated).

the = binding provides two-way binding outside. so, when bound model in directive <phone nework="network" ..., telling angular set network value in controller's scope. happens inside link function when set isonetwork.

if looking one-way binding, consider @ binding, one-way string binding, different = binding two-way reference.


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