c# - EntityFramework trying to insert unchanged attached entity -
i have model this:
public class parent { public childa childa { get; set;} public childb childb { get; set;} }
in cache store collection of such objects statistics. when i'm trying save collection, error childa cannot added violation primary key constaint.
icollection<metric> statistics = this.cacheservice.get<icollection<metric>>(statisticscachekey); if (statistics.any()) { foreach (parent parent in statistics) { this.dataservice.attach<childa>(parent.childa); this.dataservice.attach<childb>(parent.childb); this.parentrepository.create(parent); } await this.dataservice.savechangesasync(); statistics.clear(); this.cacheservice.put<icollection<parent>>(statisticscachekey, statistics); }
childa exists in database , attached context, don't why ef trying insert it. attach method looks this
public void attach<t>(t entity) t : class, ientity { entitystate state = context.entry<t>(entity).state; if (state == entitystate.detached) { ienumerable<t> local = (ienumerable<t>)context.set<t>().local; bool alreadyatcontext = local.contains(entity, new entitycomparer()); if (!alreadyatcontext) { context.set<t>().attach(entity); } } } }
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