How to hide x-axis in lattice R -

how hide x-axis (xlim?) in lattice xyplot?

normally plot be:

hist(rnorm(10,0,2), axes=f) 

and global solution great, since have quite few plots. i'm using gridextra package:

grid.arrange(plot1,plot2,plot3, ncol=3) 

this instance allows hide xlab, ylab, main.

pl = list(plot1,plot2,plot3), lapply(pl, update, xlab="", ylab="", main="")) 

sample data in case:

data <- data.frame(x=rnorm(10,2,2),y=rnorm(10,3,3),z=rexp(10,2)) plot1 <- xyplot(x~y, data, xlab="name", ylab="name", main="title") plot2 <- xyplot(z~y, data, xlab="name", ylab="name", main="title") plot3 <- xyplot(z~x, data, xlab="name", ylab="name", main="title") 

hiding globally can shown on print() on above or else helps.

try this

xyplot(1:10~1:10, scales=list(x=list(at=null))) 

you should read docs in ?xyplot


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