Opengl: low fps when using texture -

after setting texture there 20fps before aplying texture 300fps

my code:

void loadtex() {   gluint    texture;     hbitmap   gltex;   bitmap    tex;   byte      texture=tex;    glgentextures(sizeof(texture), &texture);   gltex= (hbitmap)loadimage(getmodulehandle(null),makeintresource(texture), image_bitmap, 0, 0, lr_createdibsection);    getobject(gltex,sizeof(tex), &tex);   glpixelstorei(gl_unpack_alignment,4);              glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d, texture);   gltexenvf( gl_texture_env, gl_texture_env_mode, gl_modulate );   gltexparameterf( gl_texture_2d, gl_texture_min_filter,gl_linear_mipmap_nearest );   gltexparameterf( gl_texture_2d, gl_texture_mag_filter, gl_linear );        glubuild2dmipmaps(gl_texture_2d, 3, tex.bmwidth, tex.bmheight, gl_rgb,  gl_unsigned_byte, tex.bmbits);   deleteobject(gltex);   } 

as can see load texture resourcs file. call loadtex() in main winapi loop.

the second problem texture bit transparent takes color face behind , mixes itself. why?

i call loadtex() in main winapi loop.

i'm assuming means call once per frame, in case reason performance drop. should load texture once before loop, , draw each frame.

the second problem texture bit transparent takes color face behind , mixes itself

without seeing code rendering texture hard why. disable blending gldisable(gl_blend) , texture no longer transparent.


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