java - OpenGL - too many textures -

i have 90 frames animation , want display on minecraft hud. here code use now:

string ctype = "target"; int cspeed = 30; int fast = 0; public int centerroterycounter = 0; @forgesubscribe public void centerrotery( event){ //========resolution======== res = new scaledresolution(mc.gamesettings, mc.displaywidth, mc.displayheight); int width = res.getscaledwidth(); int height = res.getscaledheight(); //========resolution========+  if(centerroterycounter == 90){centerroterycounter = 0;}  if(centerroterycounter < 10){ resourcelocation("centerrotery/"+ctype+"000" + centerroterycounter + ".png"));  }else{if(centerroterycounter < 100){ resourcelocation("centerrotery/"+ctype+"00" + centerroterycounter + ".png"));  }else{ resourcelocation("centerrotery/"+ctype+"0" + centerroterycounter + ".png")); } }  drawtexturedmodalrect((width/2)-44, (height/2)-37, 0, 0, 250, 250); mc.func_110434_k().func_110577_a(gui.field_110324_m);  if((fast % cspeed)==0){centerroterycounter++;}fast++; } 

but can see, creating ~30 new resourcelocations every second..!! how can pre-load textures , display them same way?

you can use private static final hashmap class in method getresourcelocation(string resourcelocation). :

private static resourcelocation getresourcelocation(string resourcelocation) {     resourcelocation myres = myhashmap.get(resourcelocation);      if (myres == null) {         myres = new resourcelocation(resourcelocation);         myhashmap.put(resourcelocation, myres);     }      return myres; } 

it cache resources on demand. sure of necessary amount of memory needed !


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