activex - Teechart ZoomIn and ZoomOut Button -

i using zooming of tchart. in our application have next , prev button using user can zoom , undozoom. can let me know how can fire zoom , undozoom event on click on 2 buttons

you can either call methods directly (see code below) or use calls fire events (see commented code below).

private sub command1_click()     tchart1_onzoom     'tchart1.zoom.zoomrect 0, 0, 100, 100 end sub  private sub command2_click()     tchart1_onundozoom     'tchart1.zoom.undo end sub  private sub tchart1_onundozoom()     tchart1.header.text.clear     tchart1.header.text.add "unzoom!" end sub  private sub tchart1_onzoom()     tchart1.header.text.clear     tchart1.header.text.add "zoom!" end sub 


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