c# - ManagementException: Generic failure accessing Win32_Printer (resulting in RPC server is unavailable) -
this exception started occurring had on server2003 , 2008r2:
managementexception: generic failure stack: @ system.management.managementexception.throwwithextendedinfo(managementstatus errorcode) @ system.management.managementobjectcollection.managementobjectenumerator.movenext()
after receiving error i've seen exception occuring (spooler stopped?):
the rpc server unavailable win32exception: rpc server unavailable stack: @ system.drawing.printing.printersettings.get_installedprinters()
the code generates wmi query listed here:
// printername: \\server\printer or mylocalprinter printerattributes attribs = printerattributes.hidden; managementobjectsearcher searchprinter = null; managementobjectcollection prntcol = null; try { // "select attributes, name win32_printer" string qry = string.format("select attributes, name win32_printer name = \'{0}\'", printername); searchprinter = new managementobjectsearcher(qry); prntcol = searchprinter.get(); foreach (managementobject prnt in prntcol) { if (prnt["name"].tostring() == printername) { /* ... */ } } } { if (prntcol != null) prntcol.dispose(); if (searchprinter != null) searchprinter.dispose(); } // ...
after doing search i've found these links give me possible hint:
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/5247725/187650
- http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/vstudio/en-us/b20c35f7-375b-4b67-af2e-bd432b6915da/how-to-retrieve-all-printer-names-installed-in-a-pc
- http://www.tech-archive.net/archive/development/microsoft.public.win32.programmer.wmi/2005-12/msg00097.html
- http://www.vistax64.com/powershell/134250-get-wmiobject-generic-failure.html
even when try in powershell query remote pc:
get-wmiobject -query "select attributes, name win32_printer" -computername "remotepc"
i receive error after while:
get-wmiobject : rpc server unavailable. (exception hresult: 0x800706ba) @ line:1 char:1 + get-wmiobject -query "select name win32_printer" -computername "remotepc" + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + categoryinfo : invalidoperation: (:) [get-wmiobject], comexception + fullyqualifiederrorid : getwmicomexception,microsoft.powershell.commands.getwmiobjectcommand
are there wmi experts share improvements on piece of c# code, because @ moment have no clue why happens once in while.
- objectquery instead of string?
- packetprivacy ( https://stackoverflow.com/a/8643611/187650 )?
- objectquery timeout ?
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