javascript - Launching the e-mail client from razor view -
i have mvc4 application in have view:
@{ layout = "~/views/shared/template.cshtml"; } @section logout { <a href='@url.action("logout", "begin")' style="margin-left: 91.3%"><img src="~/content/images/images.jpg" style="width:37px; height:37px" /></a> } <html> <head> <script> function mailjob(code) {''); } </script> </head> <body> <form action="/pages/index" method="post" style="margin-left:20%"> <div class ="centertitle"> <h1 style="color:rgb(73, 140, 212)">norm impact : registre des réclamations clients</h1> </div> <div class="noprint"> <input type="hidden" value ="1" name="pages"/> <button type="submit" value="submit" name="btnpage1"><img src="~/content/images/ok.png" onclick="mailjob('sample');"/></button> <button type="button" value="exporttopdf" onclick="window.print()" name="btnpage1"style="margin-left:55%"><img src="~/content/images/print.png" /></button> </div> ... <div class="noprint"> <button type="submit" value="page2" name="btnpage1" style="margin-left:75%"><img src="~/content/images/next.png" /></button> </div> </form> </body></html>
the problem in mailto
because mailing soft not launching new window url
so how can fix problem?
try instead:
function mailjob(code) { window.location.href = ''; }
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