google visualization - Set Fixed axis values -

i had code set v axis scale 0 - 4. deleted , cannot remember how got working again. see below chart code, , code think used before.

this think used before...

vaxis: {  viewwindowmode:'explicit', viewwindow: {     max:100,     min:99.8 } } 

below chart

          // create line chart, passing options     var linechart = new google.visualization.chartwrapper({       'charttype': 'linechart',       'containerid': 'chart_div',         'options': {         //'width': 300,         'height': 300,         'legend': 'top',         'backgroundcolor': '#eeeeee',         'colors': [ '#8ea23f'],         'pointsize': 5,         'title': 'selected site , species abundance on time'               },     'view':{'columns':[0,2]},       }); 

there go:

 'vaxis': {'title': 'something here',  'minvalue': 0,   'maxvalue': 4}, 


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