ASP.NET C#: Will <%:myInt%> result in boxing? -
passing value type type object function in c# , boxing occurs.
in have shorthand's response.write(..) , response.write(server.htmlencode(..)) respectively, <%= , <%:
response.write(..) exist overloads char, string , object - therefor assume code result in response.write(object) being called , int being boxed:
<%int myint = 3;%> <%=myint%>
while understand version not result in boxing:
(correct me if i'm wrong here)
but <%:?
server.htmlencode() takes string parameter , can not called type of object. happening in situation:
will webform view engine "compile"
a "magic no boxing" scenario?
following joe’s example shows <%:nyint%> translated to
system.web.httputility.htmlencode has overload object - means conclusion <%: myint%> cause boxing - regardless of whether cause performance penalty or not :-)
if want know generated source code looks like, easy way add script page deliberate compile-time error, e.g.
<script runat="server"> deliberate error here </script>
the error page displayed when compile fails includes link view complete generated source code, answer questions above.
as boxing, shouldn't concerned.
repeatedly boxing , unboxing can have performance penalty, e.g.:
object myint; ... (i=0; i<averylargenumber; i++) { ... myint = ((int)myint)+1; ... }
but in example above, there no reason concerned.
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