java - Can't get linkedin profiles summaries using Spring social -
i'm trying access basic profiles datas springsociallinkedin 1.0.0.rc3. here how proceed :
string industry = connection.getindustry(); string headline = connection.getheadline(); string summary = connection.getsummary();
let's know picture random connection having these fields fill. i'll industry , headline . however, in place of summary, i'll null value. consequence, wondering : known bug due version of module or there wrong elsewhere ?
edit : nice fellow, managed make run nicely. however, still can't manage connections summaries.
edit bis : can own summary. contact's summaries hidden app.
in fact, trouble comes linkedin. however, there way dodge problem using linkedin.restoperations()
supplied spring social. here how proceeded :
string url = string.format("", connection.getid()); linkedinprofile summaryprofile = source.restoperations().getforobject(url, linkedinprofile.class); string summary = summaryprofile.getsummary();
this way, summary recovered, @ cost of rest query. downside of method fact search operations limited 100 queries day per user.
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