jquery mobile - Keep Google Maps from reloading in JqueryMobile page -

i'm using google maps api in jquerymobile/phonegap project. if go map "page" , change zoom level, drag map around, etc , navigate away , map page doesnt save state, reloads map. have tried using dom-cache <div data-role="page" id="map" data-dom-cache="true"> didn't seem @ all.

how can save map "state" , avoid reload when navigating away , back?

requested code

    <div data-role="page" id="map" data-dom-cache="true">         <div data-role="header" data-theme="e">             <h1>honeyspot</h1>         </div>         <div data-role="content" style="width:100%; height:100%; padding:0;">             <div id="map_canvas" style="width:100%;height:100%"></div>                          </div>         <div data-role="footer" data-theme="a" data-id="mainnav" data-position="fixed">             <div data-role="navbar">                 <ul>                     <li><a href="#top" data-icon="arrow-u" id="top">top</a></li>                     <li><a href="#add" data-icon="plus" id="add">add</a></li>                     <li><a href="#map" data-icon="search" id="search" class="ui-btn-active ui-state-persist">search</a></li>                     <li><a href="#feed" data-icon="bars" id="feed">feed</a></li>                     <li><a href="#profile" data-icon="gear" id="profile">profile</a></li>                 </ul>             </div>             <!-- /navbar -->         </div>     </div>  


$(document).on('pageshow', '#map', function (event) {     max_height();         navigator.geolocation.getcurrentposition(onsuccess, onerror,{'enablehighaccuracy':true,'timeout':20000}); }); function onsuccess(position) {            var minzoomlevel = 15;     var mylatlng = new google.maps.latlng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);      var map = new google.maps.map(document.getelementbyid('map_canvas'), {         zoom: minzoomlevel,         center: mylatlng,         maptypecontrol: false,         maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap     });  } 

thank leading me in right direction. changed $(document).ready(function(event) { , works great now!


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