php - Doctrine makes update for no reason -

when execute code doctrine changes value in database 0 although never changed value. there isn't setter-method field.

the field part of id.

how can doctrine changes value?


the field belongs entity pagenamespacetranslation, field gets modified doctrine language_id.

i use xml, not annotations.

<entity name="exodus\domain\meta\pages\namespaces\pagenamespacetranslation" table="page_namespace_translation">     <id name="translated" association-key="true" />     <id name="language_id" type="integer" column="lang_id" />      <many-to-one target-entity="pagenamespace" field="translated" inversed-by="translations">         <join-column name="namespace_id" referenced-column-name="namespace_id" />     </many-to-one> 


i think have localized problem: have entity called informationobjectaliaspagetranslation have field called language_id. column lang_id used twice: field language_id , part of foreign key pagenamespacetranslation.

the problem occurs when make following query:

select p exodus\domain\meta\pages\informationobjectaliaspagetranslation p join p.namespace ns join ns.translated nst nst.namespaceid = :ns , p.language_id = :langid , p.title = :title 

when add ns , nst select problem not occur.

however, when change mapping column lang_id used once, there no problems.

the mapping of informationobjectaliaspagetranslation in orginal form:

<entity name="exodus\domain\meta\pages\informationobjectaliaspagetranslation" table="page_translation">     <id name="translated" association-key="true" />     <id name="language_id" type="integer" column="lang_id" />      <many-to-one target-entity="informationobjectaliaspage" field="translated" inversed-by="translations">         <join-column name="page_id" referenced-column-name="page_id" />     </many-to-one>      <many-to-one target-entity="exodus\domain\meta\pages\namespaces\pagenamespacetranslation" field="namespace">         <join-columns>             <join-column name="namespace_id" referenced-column-name="namespace_id" />             <join-column name="lang_id" referenced-column-name="lang_id" />         </join-columns>     </many-to-one> 

can double use of column lang_id cause effect?

it seems doctrine not support sharing of columns. behaves strange in case , inserts not possible because columns repeated.

i use solution redundancy instead of using shared columns , seems better solution after because these date read , hardly ever changed.


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