shell - Print the difference between 2 timetamps in a file unix -
cat row1col1 row1col2 2013-08-26 22:07:26 2013-08-26 22:07:26 row2col1 row2col2 2013-08-26 22:08:16 2013-08-26 22:08:20 (2 rows)
the objective capture rows have difference of greater 3 seconds between timestamps.
output here row2col1 row2col2 2013-08-26 22:08:16 2013-08-26 22:08:20 tried below. bash-3.2$ echo $d1 08/28/2013 16:56:36 bash-3.2$ echo $d2 08/28/2013 16:56:44 bash-3.2$ date1=$(date -d "$d1" +%s) bash-3.2$ date2=$(date -d "$d2" +%s) bash-3.2$ diff=$(expr $date2 - $date1) bash-3.2$ echo $diff 8 getting syntax error "%s" while using awk command. here 2 variations tried.but awk '{t1=$3" "$4;t2=$5" "$6;time2=$(date -d "$t2" +%s);time1=$(date -d "$t1" +%s); if ($(expr $time2 - $time1) > 3) print $0 }'
awk has built-in mktime() method equivalent of date -d ... +%s
except format of date input must "yyyy mm dd hh mm ss".
awk ' { t1=$3" "$4; t2=$5" "$6; gsub(/[-:]/, " ", t1); gsub(/[-:]/, " ", t2); time1 = mktime(t1); time2 = mktime(t2); if ( ( time2 - time1 ) > 3 ) print $0 }'
by way, awk script have mixing shell syntax inside awk script. that's why errors.
for awk without mktime
awk ' { t1=$3" "$4; t2=$5" "$6; cmd1 = "date -d \"" t1 "\" +%s"; cmd2 = "date -d \"" t2 "\" +%s"; cmd1 | getline time1; cmd2 | getline time2; if ( ( time2 - time1 ) > 3 ) print $0 }'
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