visual c++ - /Zm100 being set by something even though I specify /Zm200 -
i have large project i'm trying decrease build time using precompiled headers.
everything works great in debug, pch size needed increased default 100 200.
the problem in release, if set same additional arguments in release, following error.
error c1094: '-zm100' : command line option inconsistent value used build precompiled header ('-zm200') c:\mypath\my_file.cpp
does have idea -zm100 being set?
here text options command line /yu"stdafx.h" /gs- /w3 /zc:wchar_t /i"../../../../source" /zi /gm /od /fd"x64\release\vc110.pdb" /fp:precise /d "win32" /d "ndebug" /d "_windows" /d "_usrdll" /d "_windll" /d "_mbcs" /errorreport:prompt /wx- /zc:forscope /gr /gd /md /fa"x64\release\" /ehsc /nologo /fo"x64\release\" /fp"x64\release\mydll.pch"
when dug deeper, found our stdafx.cpp had specific setup of -zm300, when tried set -zm200 on project got inconsistency.
this article helped.
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