c# - WebDriver i am trying to use isElementPresent but error shows not exist in the current context -

i new webdriver , writing code in c# visual studio (code snippet below) verifying if text field present on home page using iselementpresent. error name iselementpresent not exist in current context. doing wrong?

using system; using system.text; using system.text.regularexpressions; using system.collections.generic; using system.threading; using system.linq; using nunit.framework; using openqa.selenium; using openqa.selenium.firefox; using openqa.selenium.support.ui;  namespace homepage_check2 {     [testfixture]     public class driver     {         iwebdriver driver;          [setup]         public void setup()         {             // create new instance of firefox driver             driver = new firefoxdriver();         }          [teardown]         public void teardown()         {             driver.quit();         }          [test]         public void homepage()         {             //navigate site             driver.navigate().gotourl("http://www.milkround.com");             assert.istrue(iselementpresent(by.id("ctl00_uxtoolbar_uxquerytextboxtoolbar")));          }         catch         {             //verificationerrors.append(e.message);         }          }     } } 

where "iselementpresent" come from? have never seen used in webdriver.

in webdriver need wrap try catch around findelement method.


boolean elementdisplayed;  try {  webelement element = driver.findelement(by.id("ctl00_uxtoolbar_uxquerytextboxtoolbar")); elementdisplayed = element.displayed;   } catch (nosuchelementexception e) { elementdisplayed = false; } 

obviously can wrap in helper method of kind of perhaps add webdriver classes.

i'll leave you, general idea


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