less - media query and not -

i have following less code:

@mobile: ~'screen , (max-width: 480px)'; 

then use follows:

@media @mobile {     // code } 

it works fine use "not" like:

@media not @mobile {     // code } 

but error

parseerror: unrecognised input  

in "not" part.

is possible solve this?

maybe this:

define width of mobile device:

@mobilewidth: 480px; 

then larger non-mobile device:

@notmobilewidth: @mobilewidth + 1px;  

create less variables both mobile , notmobile:

@mobile: ~'screen , (max-width: @{mobilewidth})'; @notmobile: ~'screen , (min-width: @{notmobilewidth})'; 

and use in media queries:

@media @mobile {   // mobile code }  @media @notmobile {   // not-mobile code } 


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