powershell - Loop X number of times -

i'm working on first powershell script , can't figure loop out. have following, repeat $activecampaigns number of times:

write-host "creating $pqcampaign1 pre-qualified report" invoke-item "$pqcampaignpath1\pq report $pqcampaign1.qvw" write-host "waiting 1 minute qlikview update"  sleep -seconds 60   # wait 1 minutes qlikview reload, create report , save.  do{ write-host "daily qlikview reports" write-host "wating qlikview create $pqcampaign1 pq report" get-date write-host "checking...." sleep -seconds 1 write-host "" write-host "not done yet"  write-host "will try again in 5 seconds."  write-host "" sleep -seconds 5 }  until (test-path "$pqcampaignpath1\$pqcampaign1 $pqreportname $reportdate.xlsx" -pathtype leaf)  get-date write-host "done $pqcampaign1 pq report. wait 10 seconds."  sleep -seconds 10 

these parameters need increase 1 each loop:

  • $pqcampaign1 (should become $pqcampaign2, 3 etc.)
  • $pqcampaignpath1 (should become $pqcampaignpath2, 3 etc.)

so if $activecampaigns set 8 on day, needs repeat 8 times , last time must open $pqcampaign3 lies in $pqcampaignpath8.

can please help?

is looking for?

for ($i=1; $i -le $activecampaigns; $i++) {   $pqcampaign     = get-variable -name "pqcampaign$i"     -valueonly   $pqcampaignpath = get-variable -name "pqcampaignpath$i" -valueonly    #do stuff $pqcampaign , $pqcampaignpath } 


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