Connecting to Couchbase 2.0 cluster via libcouchbase fails, when a single node is down -
i experiencing weird behavior when connection couchbase cluster consisting of several nodes. due redundancy set connection multiple ips described in documentation. track down problem tried connect single node this:
$cb = new couchbase("<valid ip>", "<username>", "<password>", "<bucket>");
this works entirely fine. when replacing single ip array of ip - in order achieve redundancy. following output in error log:
php warning: failed establish libcouchbase connection server: connection failure in ... php warning: there no active connection couchbase in ...
the code connecting follows:
$hosts = array(<invalid ip>, <valid ip>); $cb = new couchbase($hosts, "<username>", "<password>", "<bucket>");
in case above warning , libcouchbase not connect @ all. according documentation couchbase should try provided nodes , should not die on first "dead node".
did wrong? have ideas work-around?
thanks bunch! chris
perhaps version specific, when connect, don't use array of ips. use semi-colon delimited list. e.g.
$cb = new couchbase(";", $user, $password, $bucket);
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