java - Assert that collection "Contains at least one non-null element" -

i want verify collection contains @ least 1 non-null element. have tried is(not(empty())), passes in test below.

import org.junit.test;  import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.collection;  import static; import static org.hamcrest.matcherassert.assertthat; import static org.hamcrest.matchers.empty; import static org.hamcrest.matchers.not;  public class sandboxtest {     @test     public void shouldtestthis() {         collection<integer> collection = new arraylist<integer>();         collection.add(null);          assertthat(collection, is(not(empty())));     } } 

is there elegant/simple way this?

things don't work

@test public void should(){     collection<string> collection = new arraylist();     collection.add("gfas");     collection.add("asda");     assertthat(collection, contains(notnullvalue())); }  java.lang.assertionerror:  expected: iterable containing [not null]      but: not matched: "asda" @ org.hamcrest.matcherassert.assertthat( 

import static org.hamcrest.matcherassert.assertthat; import static org.hamcrest.matchers.*;  ...  assertthat(collection, hasitem(notnullvalue(integer.class))); 

unfortunately, there bug in java 1.6 means might have split onto 2 lines described here if using 1.6:

matcher<iterable<? super string>> matcher = hasitem(notnullvalue(integer.class)); assertthat(collection, matcher); 

edit here fest assert example asked for:

import static org.fest.assertions.api.assertions.assertthat; ... assertthat(collection).doesnotcontainnull(); 

fest requires single static import full ide auto completion.


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